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2014 a quarter of the textile industry running smoothly
datetime:2014-05-29   Hits:2231
May 12, China Textile Industry Association convened in 2014 a quarter of the textile industry will run the analysis. At the meeting, the China Textile Industry Association of Industry, Ministry of Information and Statistics Division introduced the industry's professional associations operation. It is understood that in 2014 a quarter of the textile industry as a whole is running smoothly, still living in the development zone, industrial production, exports and domestic sales, investments, profits are growing scale, operating efficiency has improved compared to the same period last year.

Production: focus on product yield scale, but are single-digit growth.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2014 first quarter, yarn, cloth, chemical fiber and clothing production in the previous year, an increase of 6.32%, 2.55%, 4.79% and 3.04% respectively.

Profit: The above-scale enterprises in industry profits continued to expand, the industry profit growth slowed slightly compared to last year.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 2014 January to March, China's textile industry realized a total profit of 66.694 billion yuan, an increase of 10.94 percent, 4.84 percentage points slower than the 2013 full-year growth; sales margin was 4.65%, compared with last year, a decrease of 0.84 percentage points; industry total asset turnover was 1.48 times / year, compared to last year declined; industry ratio of three charges of 6.5%, up 0.31 percentage points higher than last year, a slight increase operating costs .

Exports: export scale, export growth slowed down compared to last year.

According to Chinese customs statistics, from January to April 2014, China's textile and apparel exports 81.876 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.18 percent, down 14.35 percentage points higher than the growth rate of the previous year. According to Chinese customs statistics, China's exports to the EU grew rapidly, from January to March, 2014, China's textile and apparel exports to the EU $ 11.372 billion, an increase of 10.01%, higher than the global export growth 9.52 percentage points higher than last year 4.04 percentage points; sharp decline in export growth to ASEAN, the first quarter of 2014, China's textile and apparel exports to ASEAN $ 7.41 billion, an increase of 1.77% compared to last year (28.34%) dropped 26.57 points; China's textile and apparel accounted for United States, Japan, the market share is still in decline.

Domestic: domestic retail demand continued to expand, traditional channels apparel demand growth lower than the overall demand.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the first quarter of 2014, total retail sales of social consumer goods 6.21 trillion yuan, up 12.0 percent; Limit retail sales of more than 3.03 trillion yuan, up 9.7 percent; Limit retail sales of 221.1 billion yuan more than clothing, an increase of 9.0%, lower than the domestic retail sales growth by 3 percentage points.

Investment: Industry continues to expand the scale of investment growth in investment growth has slowed, new projects negative growth, regional industry structure adjustment of investment have slowed performance.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 2014 January to March, China's textile industry completed investment in fixed assets 154.646 billion yuan, an increase of 12.76%, investment growth slowed compared with 3.65 percentage points over the same period last year; industry new projects fell by 8.02% , the growth rate fell sharply 23.41 percent from a year earlier; investment area structure, investment growth significantly higher than the eastern region in central and western regions.

The experts analyzed the economic operation of China's textile industry still exist in the future following risks: production, domestic demand, exports, investment slowdown; fierce competition in the international market, China's market share has declined in the United States and Europe; substantial growth in the ASEAN market fall;, domestic cotton spreads harder problem has eased.

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